23rd Winter King Tournament | Homer, Alaska

Finally- the Winter King Tournament! The event we have all been waiting for is here tomorrow, Saturday March 19th, 2016 in beautiful Homer, Alaska! As boats collaborate in the Harbor this evening preparing for tomorrow’s big day, competitors for all over the world are traveling to compete in this one-of-a-kind derby to fish the pristine Alaska King Salmon.

Take a look at the 2016 tournament details and let’s get fishing!

2016 Tournament Details

  • Lines in: 9 AM | Lines out: 4 PM
  • Entry Cost: $100.00 – cost is the same for every age
  • All individuals on board the boat must be registered in the tournament

Big Prizes Offered

  • Opportunity to win OVER $100,000 in cash and merchandise!

Event Details

  • Parties, side bets, and prizes all offered for the 2016 event

Boat side bets are offered this year! If you’ve never fished the tournament before, then you’re in for a treat with these exciting bets. Boat Side Bets are a great way to increase your winnings in the event someone on your boat catches “A MONSTER!” The most popular of the side bets is the “SKUNK BET”. This is where you are betting that at least one person on your boat will catch an Alaska King Salmon of any size. The Skunk Bet of $50 is a bet that your boat won’t get “Skunked” this year! You win by catching at least one fish on your boat. You ONLY loose if your boat does not catch a fish! Easy enough? The exciting part is that the winning boats share 75% of the pot! Let’s get fishing!

(All legal Alaska King Salmon are eligible, but MUST be reported when caught and MUST be brought to weigh in- Skunk bets do not count towards the additional five side boat bet limit)

You have the option to enter any of the $25-$50 side bet categories. By doing so, you are betting that someone on YOUR BOAT will catch the BIGGEST Alaska King Salmon against every other boat in that specific category!

Categories include:

  • Skunk $50
  • $25, $50, $75, $100, $125, $150, $200, $250, $300, $500

** The Boat Side Bets will be announced on Monday following the tournament. Please review this link for additional details! **

Winter King Tournament MUST HAVE:


In order to participate in the 2016 Winter King Tournament in Homer, Alaska, you must have the following PRIOR to boarding the boats:

** The Alaska State Troopers Patrol Boat will be on the water during the entire tournament. If you have any problems or see something questionable, please contact them at (907) 235-8239. **


Bag Limit/ Possession

Since the Winter King Tournament in Homer, Alaska is before the recording requirement date of April 1st, you will not be required to record them for your annual limit. However, each person is still limited to 2 Alaska King Salmon per day and this will be the limit for the tournament as well.

**If you are wanting to release ANY salmon during the tournament, they are not to be removed from the water. If a King Salmon 20 inches or longer is removed from the water at any time, it is to be retained and becomes part of the bag limit for the person originally hooking it.

For more details, please call the Homer Chamber of Commerce at 907.235.7440!

Good luck everyone tomorrow and we will see you guys out there!


Alaska Salmon Fishing Charters

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